Acne or pimples on the face are a common problem. The problem of acne arises when the production of oil from the skin increases but the proliferation of skin cells decreases. Due to this the skin cells get blocked and the oil present in them gets stuck there. Due to the accumulation of oil in the skin cells, the bacteria present in the hair follicles also clog the pores, resulting in inflammation and acne. This problem bothers those who have oily skin more, hence they take it more seriously. Pimples can appear on your skin in the form of pus or small-sized clots of pus. These clots keep increasing their size. Acne occurs more in those parts of the face where oil glands are more active, such as the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and upper back. These pimples on the skin not only cause pain but at the same time they also reduce beauty. It is often seen that after acne gets cured, it leaves scars on the skin which spoil the beauty of the face. To reduce acne spots, women take the help of many expensive beauty treatments, however, they do not prove to be very effective. To get rid of these spots, you need natural things that help you in getting spotless skin while providing internal nourishment to the skin. Let us know about such remedies...

Orange Peel Powder
Orange is a major source of Vitamin C. Along with health, it is also very beneficial for the skin. Its citric acid lightens the spots and blemishes. Make a powder of orange peel, mix it with honey, and apply it to the stained area. After 15-20 minutes wash the face with lukewarm water. Applying it every alternate day will be beneficial.

Gram flour
Gram flour proves to be very useful in maintaining the pH level of the skin and cleansing the skin. For this remedy to remove acne spots, make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon gram of flour, rose water, and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this paste on the spots and blemishes and after it dries, wash it with normal water. For better results, adopt this remedy every other day.

Coconut oil
Coconut has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help in soothing the skin. It Can provide relief from problems. It also contains Vitamin A and K which relieves the problem of skin irritation. Apply coconut oil on the stained area, leave it overnight and wash your face with water the next morning. You can apply it every day.

Fruit Mask
If the acne scars are dark then you can take the help of a fruit mask. For this, take papaya pulp and mix tomato pulp in it. If you want, you can also mix orange pulp in it. Now apply this face pack on your face daily and leave it for half an hour. After this, clean the face thoroughly with plain water. Whenever pimples appear on your face, avoid touching them. This can cause acne infection.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera also proves to be very beneficial in removing all skin-related problems. It has antibacterial properties which remove the problem of skin infection. These work to relieve skin irritation and provide coolness. These are also effective in removing acne scars. If you have an aloe vera plant at home, you can directly extract its gel and apply it on your face. Leave it on the face overnight and wash it off in the morning.

Lemon juice
Lemon is also rich in Vitamin C which lightens the spots and blemishes. Extract lemon juice in a small bowl and apply it to the stained area with the help of cotton. After leaving it for 10-15 minutes, wash it with lukewarm water.

The use of turmeric is very beneficial in removing acne and pimple marks. To use this remedy, make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1-2 teaspoons of turmeric powder. Now apply this paste on the spots and blemishes and leave it for 30 minutes. After this wash the face with lukewarm water. Using this remedy every other day will be beneficial.

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is one of the most effective remedies for acne-prone skin. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which play an important role in getting rid of pimples and blemishes on the skin. For this, take three to four drops of tea tree oil and coconut or almond oil. Take a bowl. Make a paste by mixing tea tree oil with carrier oil. Now, apply it evenly on your face on the affected areas. Keep it overnight or for at least an hour or two before washing it off.

Baking soda
Baking soda exfoliates the skin. It also works for bleaching. Using it every day can open clogged pores. Baking soda removes acne spots. Make a paste by adding baking soda to water. Now apply it on the face and leave it to dry. Wash your face after 10-15 minutes.

Cinnamon and honey
Mix one tablespoon of cinnamon powder and honey until you get a thick paste. Apply this paste to the injured area, and wash it after 10 minutes. Repeat this daily until you get results.

(pc: freepik)