Losing weight can be easy for some people and very difficult for others. Some people can lose weight even without any special effort. At the same time, some people have to work very hard for weight loss. Many times there is a problem in losing weight even after a million attempts. If you are following the right diet, and doing exercise but still not losing weight, then there can be 3 main reasons behind it, which you should pay attention to. Dr. Shikha Sharma is telling about this. Dr. Sharma studied in Delhi. She helps people choose the right diet and stay healthy by following Vedic and modern nutrition.

Accumulation of toxins in the body

Losing weight can also be difficult if you have too many toxins in your body. Many types of toxins reach our bodies in everyday life. However, our kidneys and liver play an important role in removing these toxins from the body. But still, many types of toxins get accumulated in the body. This can also make it difficult to lose weight. That's why to focus on detoxifying the liver. Drink cumin or fennel water as a morning detox drink. Apart from this, include milk thistle in the diet. It helps in detoxing the body and improving liver function.

Acidic body

If your body is acidic, then you may find it difficult to lose weight. Insulin resistance increases when acidity increases. Due to this weight can increase and the body's ability to burn fat can decrease. Therefore, the emphasis is on reducing the acidic level of the body and increasing the alkaline level. For this, drink more water, eat at the right time, reduce caffeine and sugar in food and avoid high-fat foods.

Late-night heavy dinner

The time of dinner can affect your weight. Our body works best when we follow our biological clock. Accordingly, our digestive system works fast during the day and slows down during the night. That's why don't take inflammatory foods like flour, oil etc. for dinner. This can lead to water retention.

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