If your dirty uric acid has increased then start eating these 4 yellow things, High Uric Acid will start decreasing

High Uric Acid Home Remedies: When uric acid increases, the body becomes home to many health problems. In such a situation, know here which are the foods that reduce high uric acid when eaten. 

Uric Acid Diet: Pain in the fingers and toes, joint pain and swelling are symptoms of high uric acid. Uric acid is a type of waste substance that is formed in the body due to excessive consumption of purine. The kidneys normally filter it out of the body. But, if the uric acid increases more than necessary, then the kidneys have difficulty in filtering it, due to which uric acid starts spreading in different parts of the body. Uric acid crystals start accumulating in the joints and cause swelling. This also causes the problem of gout. In such a situation, know here which foods can reduce high uric acid and what things should not be eaten when uric acid increases.


Banana, which is rich in potassium and fiber, is helpful in reducing uric acid. Consumption of banana helps in reducing uric acid. 



Lemon juice can be consumed to reduce uric acid. By adding lemon juice to lukewarm water and drinking, uric acid gets filtered out. This also removes the dirty toxins accumulated in the body. 


The healthy enzymes and anti-inflammatory properties found in pineapple are effective in reducing uric acid. It also boosts immunity. 


Consumption of turmeric, which is full of medicinal properties, is beneficial in reducing high uric acid. In case of uric acid, turmeric water can be made and drunk or drinking turmeric tea shows effect. Turmeric paste can also be applied externally on swelling. 

These foods can also be eaten 

  • Eating cherries can also reduce high uric acid. You can also drink cherry juice to reduce uric acid. 
  • Berries like strawberries and blueberries are rich in anti-oxidants and reduce uric acid. It is especially recommended to eat berries to get rid of gout. 
  • Uric acid can also be reduced by eating kiwi and capsicum rich in Vitamin C. 
  • Drinking green tea, which is rich in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, also reduces uric acid. 
  • To reduce uric acid levels, keep drinking adequate amounts of water throughout the day. Drinking water helps the body to detox and uric acid starts leaving the body naturally. 

What not to eat in high uric acid

  • In case of high uric acid, one should avoid eating organs like liver, kidney or liver. 
  • High purine foods should be consumed less or should not be consumed at all. 
  • One should especially avoid eating processed foods. 
  • Avoid drinking sugary drinks like soda, packaged fruit juices and drinks with added sugar. 
  • It is also very important to avoid consumption of alcohol.