How to add crushed or chopped ginger to milk tea, do you also make Chai in the wrong way

Kitchen Hacks: In Indian homes, one neither opens his eyes nor does he feel that the day has started until he drinks strong ginger tea. The right start to the day is by drinking milk tea in which tea leaves, ginger, sugar and sometimes cardamom or tea masala are also added. But, often people make a small mistake while making tea. This mistake is not adding ginger in the tea properly, many times people do not understand whether ginger should be grated and added to the tea, crushed or cut into small pieces and added. If ginger is not added to the tea properly, it spoils the taste of the tea and if the juice of ginger does not come out completely in the tea, then it will also be called a waste of ginger. In such a situation, know the correct way of how to add ginger to milk tea here. 





Right way of putting ginger in milk tea 

The right way to add ginger to milk tea is to crush it and add it. When you crush ginger, all its juices come out in the vessel in which it is crushed. Put water on the flame and add tea leaves, crush 1-2 cardamoms and add crushed ginger in the same water. Put some water in the vessel in which ginger was crushed and add it to the tea being prepared. This will bring all the juice of ginger into the tea water and when the tea is ready, you will get the strong taste of ginger in every sip. 

benefits of drinking ginger tea 

  • Ginger is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and provides many benefits to the body (Ginger Benefits). Drinking ginger tea also provides anti-oxidants to the body. 
  • Ginger tea with milk can keep away problems like bloating. 
  • Ginger milk tea can also be consumed to get relief from headache or muscle pain. 
  • Drinking this tea can help in lowering blood pressure. 
  • Due to the presence of gingerol, the properties of ginger reduce inflammation in the body. 
  • You can also drink ginger tea to get relief from motion sickness or vomiting. 
  • In cold weather, ginger milk tea proves to be effective in keeping away problems like cough and cold.

Milk tea should not be consumed on an empty stomach 

Many times people drink milk tea on an empty stomach, which proves to be a big mistake. This is because drinking milk tea on an empty stomach can irritate the digestive lining, which can cause bloating or acidity. That is why do not drink milk tea (Doodh Wali Chai) on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up in the morning. Eat poha, parathas, healthy snacks, sandwiches, pancakes, cheela or upma etc. with tea. 

If you are worried about your health but still cannot avoid milk tea, then drink a glass of warm water as soon as you wake up in the morning. You can drink fenugreek water, cumin water, chia seeds water or fennel water. This detoxifies the body and burns fat as well as improves the digestive system. After this, milk tea can be drunk with any snack or breakfast around 8-9 o'clock. Also, drink tea in a small cup and not just by filling the glass. 

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.