Health Tips: Get rid of insomnia with yoga and pranayama, these asanas will be beneficial
- byManasavi
- 03 Mar, 2025

Health Tips: Ayurveda has a solution for every problem. If you are struggling with sleep problems, then Ayurveda can help you in this too. Let's know how?
Health Tips: According to Ayurveda, good sleep is very important to balance the body and mind. If you are having trouble sleeping, there can be many reasons for it. In today's busy life, many people have trouble sleeping due to stress, anxiety and wrong routine. According to Ayurveda and Yoga, if the mind and body are not balanced, then sleep is not good. Yogasana and Pranayama help to calm the body, reduce mental stress and get good sleep. Here are some important asanas according to Ayurveda that can be helpful in getting good sleep.
Balasana – to relieve stress
To do this asana, first sit on your knees and bend your legs backwards, now slowly bend forward and try to place your forehead on the ground, then stretch your hands in front and relax your body, stay in this position for 1-2 minutes and keep breathing deeply. Doing this asana keeps the mind calm, improves the blood pressure of the body, reduces stress and anxiety, which helps in getting good sleep.
Do the opposite – to calm the mind
First of all, lie down near the wall and raise your legs with the support of the wall, now keep your hands comfortably near the body, then take a deep breath and remain in this position for 5-10 minutes. By doing this asana, the blood pressure of your body remains better, as well as it calms the nerves and helps in inducing sleep. Apart from this, it maintains the correct flow of oxygen in the legs and brain.
Shavasana – Most effective for deep sleep
For this asana, first of all lie down straight on the ground, then spread your hands and legs slightly, now close your eyes and leave the body completely loose, stay in this state for 5-10 minutes and keep breathing deeply. This asana gives complete relaxation to your body, helps in getting sleep by reducing stress and anxiety and keeps the mind calm.
Anulom-Vilom Pranayama – For mental peace
First of all sit in Sukhasana and keep the spine straight, close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand and inhale through the left nostril, then close the left nostril with the left hand and exhale through the right nostril, repeat this process for 5-10 minutes. By doing this you get mental peace and stress reduces, the mind remains stable and you get good sleep.
Disclaimer: Our news is beneficial for the general public. But take medicine or any medical advice only after consulting a doctor.