After centuries, this organ will disappear from the human body, Scientist revealed
- bySherya
- 27 Feb, 2025

Do you think that human evolution has stopped? If yes, then think again! According to science, human body is still slowly changing.

Do you think that the evolution of humans has stopped? If yes, then think again! According to science, the human body is still slowly changing. The process of evolution that has been going on for thousands of years is still continuing and its effect is clearly visible on our body. The surprising thing is that during this change, humans are losing an organ which is very important for us.
According to a 2020 study conducted by Dr. Tegan Lucas, a scientist at Flinders University in Australia, human jaws are becoming smaller over time. This change is happening due to our eating habits. In ancient times, humans used to eat raw meat and hard food, which required strong jaws. But now our food has become soft and processed, which puts less pressure on the jaws and they are gradually becoming smaller.
Evidence of micro-evolution
Dr. Tegan Lucas and Professor Maciej Heinberg and Jaliya Kumaratillake of Adelaide University explained in their study that 'micro-evolution' is taking place in the human body. This means that small changes are happening rapidly in the human body, the effect of which is visible in just a few generations. A big example of this change is the 'median artery' present in the human arm. This is an extra blood vessel, which is usually formed in the fetus and disappears after birth. But in recent years, the presence of this artery has increased. Since the 19th century, the presence of this artery has increased rapidly, due to which scientists believe that it may become permanent in the coming generations.
What else will change in the future?
According to scientists, more changes can be seen in the human body in the future. Such as extra bones in the legs and abnormal joints between the bones. These changes are happening due to our lifestyle and the increasing influence of technology.
Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.