With some simple home remedies, you can make glass bottles shine again and make them look like new.

With some simple home remedies, you can make glass bottles shine again and make them look like new. Now stop worrying about white stains and try these easy tricks.

How To Clean Glass Water Bottle: In this era of plastic, glass water bottles are considered comparatively safe, which is why they are becoming quite popular among health conscious people. However, due to repeated use, white stains start accumulating on them over time, which are caused by minerals present in water, soap residue or other dirt. If your glass bottles have also become dirty and whiteness has accumulated in them, then there is no need to panic. By adopting some simple home remedies, you can make them shine like new again.


1. Magic of white vinegar and baking soda


-Vinegar and baking soda are both natural cleaners that help remove deposits from the glass surface.

-First, add half a cup of white vinegar and a teaspoon of baking soda to the bottle.

-Let it foam for a few minutes, then scrub with a brush or bottle cleaner.

-Finally wash with lukewarm water and dry thoroughly.

2. Clean with lemon and salt

-Lemon contains natural acid, which is effective in removing stains.

-Cut a lemon, apply some salt in it and rub it on the inner surface of the bottle.

-After leaving it for some time, wash it with warm water.


3. Scrub with rice and soap

-If the mouth of the bottle is small and the brush cannot go inside, then follow this method.

-Put some warm water, some rice grains and a few drops of liquid soap in the bottle.

-Now shake the bottle well, so that the rice can clean the stains.

-Finally wash it and dry it.

4. Use toothpaste

If there are white stains on the outside of the bottle, toothpaste can be a good option.

Rub a little toothpaste on the stain and then wipe it with a cotton cloth.

Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news is written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. Before adopting it, definitely consult a doctor.