Along with traveling abroad, many people also dream of settling in other countries. When he sees pictures of a foreign place, he starts dreaming that he could go and live in that place. But living in another country, it is not easy for everyone to travel far away.

From tourist visas to travel, one has to go round to get a visa for study or a job. However, for Indians, the dream of living abroad can come true. There are many countries in the world, which are giving opportunities to Indians to settle in their country. The special thing is that the visa for these countries will be easily available, as well as the foreign government will also give money to stay.

There are some countries, where the population is very less. There are no people to live in the cities, or there are older people, so the foreign government is encouraging the youth to settle down and fill the cities. Let's know about those countries which are giving opportunity to Indians to settle in their country.

Antikythera, Greece
There is an island called Antikythera in Greece, where less than 50 people live. Citizens of other countries are getting a chance to increase their population here. The Greek Orthodox Church will help to settle this. Money will be given to stay. You will have to live in Antikythera for three years, for which a stipend of around Rs 45,241 per month will be given.

Ireland Island, a beautiful country in North Western Europe, is giving a good chance to Indians to settle here. The Government of Ireland has launched the Irish Start-Up Entrepreneur Program. Under this program, the government will provide money and support to entrepreneurs wanting to start a business in Ireland. Along with this, one year visa and funding of $ 41,56,622 will be given. You will need to apply to live in Ireland, and if selected will be given funding and a visa.

The dream of living in the romantic and beautiful country of Italy can also come true. The Italian government is running a program called 'Invest your talent in Italy', in this program interested students and researchers will be given money and a one-year visa to live here.

To increase the population in Italy's Candela city too, funding of Rs 66,505 will be given to a single person and about Rs 1,66,264 to a family of four or more people. To take advantage of this program, you must have a job with a package of 6 lakhs.

Albinen, Switzerland
Less than 250 people live in the village of Albinen, Switzerland. To increase the population of this village, the Swiss government offered financial incentives. If living with a family, Rs 23,63,098 per adult and Rs 9,45,239 per child can be given. To take advantage of the program, it is necessary to have Swiss citizenship, ie a permanent residence permit.

Portugal continues to have a startup visa program that provides funding and support to entrepreneurs seeking to start a business in the country. Under this program, one year visa and funding of Rs 41,56,825 can be found.

(PC: Freepik)