The world is full of many wonders and surprises. There are many types of places in the world, some such that make you face with fear and some such where human beings get lost on going. Today we are going to tell you about some such places, hearing about which you will not be able to dare to go there and even if you want to go, you can hardly go, the laws to go here are so strict that it is difficult to go. Are. Because this place is so full of fear that just by hearing about it, a person's heart trembles. So let's know about some such creepy places.

* Vatican Secret Archives, Vatican
Vatican State is a city surrounded by seven hills, where the most magnificent cathedral churches are built. This Catholic church is home to the spiritual leader – the Pope. But there are some such secrets hidden under the church, about which the church does not allow any person or government to know and no one is allowed to go to the secret rooms there.

* North Sentinel Island, India
India's Andaman Island is known for its beauty, but there is one such thing here due to which people are afraid to go here and that is the tribe living here. The people here have also threatened to kill the people coming from outside.

* Surtsey, Iceland
Surtsey Island is considered to be the youngest island in the world. Many years ago, there was a volcanic eruption that lasted for 4 years, due to which going here can prove to be extremely fatal and this place is available only to a few scientists.

* Coca-Cola Volt, Georgia, United States
This place may not be so exciting for anyone but it does not mean that it is easy for anyone to go here. This place is built under the World of Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta, Georgia, where the secret of the world's largest soft drink recipe is safely hidden.

* Snake Island, Brazil
Millions of snakes live on Snake Island, even the world's most poisonous snake is found on this island and that is the golden lancehead viper. People living here say that here every 1 mile you will see 5 snakes. This place may be full of adventure but going here is no less than committing suicide.