Paragliding is a very exciting adventure sport, which gives you the experience of flying in the sky. This activity is very popular among those who want to travel and do something stormy. Nowadays you can get a chance to enjoy it even in a low budget. According to Dr. Imran, if you have certain diseases then you should avoid paragliding.

1. Heart Diseases

Paragliding can be dangerous for people suffering from heart disease. This sport can cause excessive excitement and fear, which puts a lot of pressure on the heart. An increase in heart rate can also put you at risk of life.

2. Hypertension
Paragliding can increase blood pressure further for people with high blood pressure. The excitement and fear experienced during flight is not good at all for BP patients, it can cause conditions like headache, dizziness, and heart attack.

3. Epilepsy
Epilepsy patients should avoid paragliding. Excessive excitement and the experience of flying in the sky can cause an epileptic attack, which can be very dangerous in the air. In such a situation, persons suffering from epilepsy should not do paragliding.

4. Asthma
People suffering from asthma should also be careful while paragliding. Low oxygen levels and cold air at high altitudes can increase asthma attacks. Sudden breathing difficulties and suffocation-like conditions can arise, which can be serious.

5. Severe Allergies
If you have any kind of serious allergy, be cautious while paragliding. Many allergens may be present in the open sky and natural environment, which can trigger your allergies. This condition can be difficult to control in the air.

6. Diabetes
It is important for diabetic patients to control their sugar level before paragliding. If the blood sugar level suddenly drops during a long flight, it can be dangerous. In such a situation, consult your doctor before flying.

7. Post-Surgery Conditions
If you have recently undergone major surgery, it is important to recover completely before paragliding. Physical exhaustion and sudden shocks in the air can worsen the condition after surgery.

(PC: Freepik)