India is known for its food and tourism, in which each state has its distinct form. Whenever it comes to natural beauty and tourism, the name of Assam comes very high. If you are also planning to visit Assam, then it is most important to know about the food here. Whenever you go somewhere for a walk and do not taste the famous cuisine there, then the walk does not become worthwhile. In such a situation, today we have brought information about the famous dishes of Assam, which will serve to make the journey of food lovers worthwhile. So let's know about these famous dishes of Assam...

When it comes to the staple food of Assam, Khar comes at the top. It is a non-vegetarian dish made from Khar, after which it is named, and also has a mixture of raw papaya, pulses, and taro, which makes it quite different and tasty. It is prepared from the banana peel as well as from the stem of the banana plant. Included in the list of Famous Foods of Assam, Khar is usually served with rice, which is often a part of the lunch. Khar is an integral part of Assamese cuisine without which the famous local food of Assam is never complete.

Masor Tenga
Maasor Tenga is one of the most popular and favorite foods of Assam which makes the tourists come here to lick their fingers. Masor Tenga is another famous non-vegetarian dish from Assam that is slow-cooked with a lemon-based broth which gives a tangy and tangy taste. This is one dish that every Assamese is sure to love and when you ask them about it, be sure to hear about Masoor Tenga and you will not be able to stop yourself from trying it for a long time.

Komolar Kheer
When it comes to the famous sweet dish of Amas, there is one such sweet or sweet dish that can never be forgotten, yes we are talking about Komolar Kheer. Komolar Kheer is a typical Assamese kheer made from rice but with an orange tinge. Please tell that orange pulp is also added to this kheer, which gives a fresh taste to the kheer. Also, many people use pulp to decorate or make kheer attractive.

Oo khatta
Oo Khatta is a sweet and sour chutney made from elephant apple and jaggery. This chutney works to add color to the food because without it the food looks bland and tasteless. That is why Oo Khatta is eaten with great gusto along with the famous food of Assam. This is the reason why this chutney has gained so much popularity as the main dish of Assam. Whenever you come on a trip to Assam, you must taste Oo Khatta with food.

Potato Pie
Aloo Pitika is the Assamese version of mashed potatoes, which is relished for lunch and dinner. Aloo Pitika is mashed potatoes cooked with mustard oil, onions, coriander, and salt and then eaten as a side dish with dal rice. Aloo Pitika is as unusual in appearance as it is delicious.

Paro mansho
As cruel and strange as it sounds, pigeon meat is a delicacy in Assam. But this dish made from paro mansho or pigeon meat indeed is one of the famous food of Kerala. It is a wonderful Assamese dish that usually keeps the body warm which is why it is mostly eaten during the winter season. It tastes best when eaten with koldil (banana flowers) so it is made from banana flowers or buds that are soaked and cut for use in making curries.

Zak and bhaji
Zak Aru Bhaji, which is included in the list of famous dishes of Assam, is the most famous vegetarian dish of Assam. Zak aru bhaji is an everyday dish that is usually cooked with ginger, garlic, cinnamon, onions, and sometimes lemon. It is a staple form of Assamese food which is consumed regularly in almost all households in Assam, which is delicious as well as beneficial for health.

Assamese people eat silkworms, yes, as strange as it sounds, it is also true. It is one of the most delicious dishes of Assamese food. The larva is stir-fried with spices and tastes crispy on the outside and liquid on the inside. It is a tribal dish of Assam which is slowly spreading across the country.

Pitha is one of the most favorite sweets and snack time delicacies of Assam, usually eaten for breakfast or with evening tea. A wide variety of pitches are available. They can be sweet or savory, steamed or fried, and cooked in many different techniques. It is one of the most technical food items of Assam which requires a lot of precision to make.

Duck meat
Duck meat is a famous food of Assam which is cooked on special occasions, it is said by the Assamese people that no special occasion can be complete without it. Duck meat, a famous non-vegetarian dish of Assam, is usually cooked with ash gourd but can also be made with sesame seeds, pumpkin, lentils, and many more. Duck meat is a famous dish on the menu of all the restaurants in Assam, which is enjoyed by the local people as well as the tourists. That's why if you are on a trip to Assam or are about to go, don't miss out on tasting Duck Meat Curry.

(PC: Lifeberrys)