Relationship Tips : If your girlfriend's actions make you feel that she is attracted to your friend and has started spending more time with him than you

Relationship Tips : If your girlfriend's actions make you feel that she is attracted to your friend and has started spending more time with him than you. Then you need to read this news.

Relationship Advice : Many times people get attracted to their partner's friend. By spending more time with their partner's friend, they start liking their habits. In such a situation, they start spending more time with their partner's friend than their partner and gradually they fall in love with their partner's friend. In such a situation, it is very important to keep an eye on your partner's actions. If your girlfriend is doing some such actions which show that she likes your friend and not you, then this may be a sign that she is attracted to your friend. In this news, we will tell you about some such common signs.



Spending more time with your friend than you

When both of you sit with friends in a group and at that time she prefers to spend time with your friend instead of you, goes to your friend again and again or is socializing with him more. Then it can mean that she is showing interest in him.



Paying more attention to your friend than you

When she talks to your friend more. Pays more attention to your friend. Starts taking care of his likes and dislikes. Praises him in front of you or your girlfriend starts liking all his things. Then it clearly means that she starts liking your friend.


Getting your friend's attention

If your girlfriend starts trying to attract your friend's attention with her words or actions in front of him, it means that she wants your friend to like her too. 


Showing more joy in front of you than your friend

If she appears happier or more relaxed with your friend than she is with you, it could be that she is feeling more intimacy with him. 


More attracted to your friend than you

If she talks more personally with your friend, or pays more attention to your friend when you two are together, it could be a sign that she is more attracted to your friend. 


urgent matter

All these signs may not be completely true, because everyone's behavior is different. The best way is to talk openly and honestly about these things with your girlfriend, so that both of you can understand each other's feelings.