Black Stool Reasons: When there is a danger of any disease in your body, then doctors often advise you to get blood, urine, and feces tested. When you go to the toilet in the morning, suddenly the stool starts appearing black, then it is bound to be nervous. The normal color change can be a sign of big trouble. Let us know what it can mean.

What does black stool mean?

In ancient medical science or Ayurveda, it is called 'Malmutravikar'. Black stool can be a sign that there is an excess of toxic substances in the body and there can be a disorder in the body. This stool color indicates excessive pitta dosha in the body, which can cause many diseases.

Why does black stool come?

There can be many reasons for black stools, such as indigestion, not balancing food, gas problem, increased bile, eating toxic food, etc. If this problem is happening regularly, then it should not be ignored, but an expert doctor should be consulted. Apart from this, proper diet and lifestyle changes can be treated along with the advice of a qualified Ayurvedic specialist.

Toxicity has increased in the body

In Ayurveda science, it is believed that excess toxic substances in the body can cause various diseases, therefore taking black stool as a sign, immediate action should be taken on it. Everyone's physical nature is different, so the treatment should also be done according to the person. In short, black stools can mean that there is an excess of Pitta in the body, which can be balanced through proper diet, exercise, and Ayurvedic medicine.

How will toxicity go away?

First of all, you should check the stool and follow the instructions given by the doctor. Apart from this, detox drinks like lemonade will have to be consumed regularly, which will reduce the amount of toxins in the body. Apart from this, eating fiber-rich foods is also beneficial.

This can also be a problem.

Many times you eat such medicine or tablet or consume black-colored drinks or foods at night, then a black stool can come in the morning, for which there is no need to panic because next time your stool will be normal. Can be colored.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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