The complaint of hair fall increases in monsoon. Most people start having more hair fall during the rainy season. The reason for this is the increase in humidity in the air, which increases sweat and oil on the scalp. This can weaken the hair roots and cause hair fall.

Apart from this, hair often remains wet in monsoon and it becomes difficult to take proper care, due to which wet hair can break due to repeated brushing or pulling. Hair fall also occurs due to lack of nutrition, stress, fungal infection. To get rid of the problem of hair fall and for strength and good growth, along with proper care of hair, include the practice of yogasanas in the lifestyle. Many yogas are effective in preventing hair fall.

Uttanasana (Forward Bend)
In this asana, you have to bend forward by keeping your legs straight. This asana not only helps in improving the health of hair, but also strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.

This simple yoga helps in good hair growth. It reduces stomach related problems, which are the main cause of thin and falling hair. To do this asana, sit with your knees resting on the ground. Place the palms on the upper thighs. Sit in a meditative posture for 5-10 minutes.

This asana helps in reducing stress and calming the mind, which can also reduce hair fall. To do this asana, one has to sit in the posture of Vajrasana by bending the knees and taking deep breaths while moving the hands upwards.