This time of winter is the home of many types of diseases, in such a situation, people whose immunity is weak become victims of colds and many types of infectious diseases. This means that if you want to protect yourself from these diseases, then it is most important to make necessary efforts to strengthen the body's immunity.

To strengthen immunity, it becomes necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle along with a healthy and nutritious diet, you can get benefits by including yogasanas in your daily routine.

Yoga experts say that some types of yoga exercises not only increase immunity power but can also keep you safe from the risk of many serious diseases. Medical science says that people who practice yoga regularly fall ill less. Let us know about those yogasanas whose practice can help in strengthening the immune system and maintaining good health in winter.

Practice Shirshasana Yoga
Shirshasana Yoga is considered one of the most beneficial yogasanas for overall health. This is the most effective yoga asana to maintain proper blood circulation from feet to head. Shirshasana is an ideal asana that can keep your body warm and strong during the winter months.

This asana strengthens your entire body and calms your mind. Practicing this yoga can be beneficial to improve both immunity and physical ability.

Benefits of Naukasana Yoga
Boat pose or Naukasana is a great exercise to increase flexibility and strengthen your abdominal and hip muscles. These exercises can provide instant warmth to the body and promote digestive health. This is an effective yoga practice in keeping the metabolism healthy, it keeps the weight under control which is necessary to maintain better overall health. Naukasana yoga must be included in the daily routine.

Pranayama exercises
Regular practice of Pranayama can be especially beneficial for you in winter to maintain both physical and mental health. This improves the body's immunity and you feel more energetic. Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, and various pranayama exercises focusing on breathing provide you with overall health benefits. It can be easily done at home, Pranayam is one of the essential exercises for people of all ages.

(PC: Pixabay, iStock)