Every woman wants to have a beautiful and shapely body. However, due to today's unhealthy lifestyle and less physical activity, women suffer from physical problems. At the same time, their body shape also starts deteriorating. Many women complain of weight gain, obesity, or deterioration in the shape of their breasts. The size of breasts can vary. The size of breasts keeps changing depending on age or pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, women sometimes start using medicines and chemical products to increase or reduce breast size, which can be harmful. If you are also troubled by the problem of the bad shape of your breasts, then you can get rid of this problem by practicing some yoga asanas. You can practice these yoga poses daily to keep your breasts in shape.

This asana is called mountain pose. The practice of Parvatasana increases blood circulation around the breast. Due to this, the breasts can be exercised and their shape remains correct. To practice Parvatasana, first sit in Padmasana. Now clasp the fingers of both hands together take a long breath and move the hands upwards. Draw the body and hands as above. Hold your breath during the stretch. Now slowly exhale and come back to the old posture. Repeat this asana four to five times.

This asana is called the cobra pose in which the shape of the body looks like a snake. Practicing this asana can increase the size of the breasts. By doing Bhujangasana, the muscles around the breasts get stretched and the breasts look shapely. To practice Bhujangasana, lie down on your stomach on the mat. Now join both the legs place the palms on the floor and lift the upper part of the body. Emphasize both your palms while bending the spine backward. Stay in this posture for five to 10 seconds. Then slowly exhale and come back to the old position.

Shalabhasana is also called Locust Pose. Shalabhasana stretches the muscles around the breasts and increases blood circulation. This increases breast size. To practice Shalabhasana, lie down on your stomach and place both palms down on your hips. Now inhale and lift the left leg upwards. During this, keep the right leg straight. Slowly exhale and bring the left leg down. Repeat this process with the right leg. Now while breathing in, lift both the legs and the upper part of the body upwards as much as possible. Now exhale and lower your legs.

(PC: Freepik)