Cutting out fried foods from the diet? A question that reminds you of all the weight loss techniques you have tried. However, it is difficult to say that there is nothing fried in the diet. Some of the most famous dishes contain fried food and this can be a health hazard in many ways.

When it comes to staying healthy, you should say no to fried foods. Here are 6 reasons why you should stop eating fried food immediately. I also stopped eating fried things for 30 days and not only lost weight but also got many health benefits.

Can there be such changes in the body by not eating fried things? Nutritionist MeghaMukhija is sharing this information with us. MeghaMukhija is the Chief Dietician and Founder at Health Mania since 2016.

Expert opinion

Nutritionist MeghaMukhija says, 'If you are trying to lose weight or reduce extra fat from the body, then avoiding fried foods can be an excellent idea but, what are you opting for? Also matters.

Most of the foods that we eat in restaurants and packaged foods are fried because it is a quick and cheap way of cooking. Is it french fries, samosas, chips, mathri etc. All the top-consumed snacks are deep-fried and full of calories.

Another problem with commercial frying is the type of oil and the reuse of oil. Most of the oils used are refined which is bad for heart health and leads to inflammation, weight gain etc. These commercially fried foods are also high in trans-fat.

Trans fats are formed when unsaturated fats undergo a process called hydrogenation. Food manufacturers often hydrogenate fats using high pressure and hydrogen gas to increase shelf life and stability, but hydrogenation also occurs when the oil is heated to very high temperatures during cooking.

The process changes the chemical composition of the fat, making it more difficult for your body to break down, which can ultimately lead to negative health effects. So let's discuss how avoiding commercial foods will help you.

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Lower risk of diabetes

This helps in a better lipid profile and reduces the risk of diabetes. Most of the fried foods that we eat outside or from packets are high in unsaturated and trans fats which negatively impact our heart and blood lipid levels. Reducing their intake will greatly improve heart health.

Feel lighter

When processed foods are reduced from the diet, unprocessed foods are automatically included for satiety. So giving up fried foods will make you feel active and lighter/more energetic.

Better mood and deeper sleep

When you feel light and eat healthily, you sleep better than yourself. A good quality sleep always leads to a good mood and an active body the next day.

Better digestion and relief from acidity

Fried foods, especially those fried commercially, take a long time to digest and lead to acidity and flatulence. Plus, cutting out processed foods means reducing your sodium intake, which will reduce water retention and help you lose weight. This will reduce bloating and improve digestion.

Decrease inflammation and improve immunity

Regardless of age or health status, reducing processed and oily foods (rich in toxins called glycation end products (AGEs)) can reduce inflammation and even help restore the body's natural defenses. Are. That's according to research from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. These benefits are present even when there is no change in nutrient or calorie intake.

Acne free skin

Your skin represents the health and nutrients of your gut. When you stop eating commercial oily and processed foods, you are improving your own choices by choosing healthy foods that will provide you with the nutrients that will help you achieve clear skin. Also, cutting out oily foods will reduce inflammation and improve gut health, which will make a big difference to your skin in a month.

Image Credit: Freepik


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