Anemia is a condition in which there is a deficiency of red blood cells (RBC) or hemoglobin in the body. Due to anemia, the tissues and organs of the body do not get enough oxygen, which can cause problems like weakness and fatigue. Anemia can be caused by iron deficiency, vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency, excessive bleeding, chronic diseases like cancer and low production.

Yoga is a good way to keep the body and mind healthy. Many diseases can be prevented through yoga, while yoga is also effective in treating any disease from the root. If you are also suffering from anemia, then along with treating this disease through medicines and diet, you can take the help of yoga to eliminate anemia from the root. Here some such yogasanas are being told, which are beneficial for anemia patients.

Kapalbhati is an effective yoga exercise in reducing belly fat rapidly. Obesity can be reduced by this asana. Apart from this, blood problems can also be cured quickly. Regular practice of Kapalabhati is beneficial for anemia patients.

Sarvangasana yoga is beneficial for every part of the body. With the regular practice of this asana, blood reaches the lower part of the body and the blood of the lower part reaches the upper part of the body easily. Sarvangasana is beneficial for blood circulation.

Pranayama can be practiced to overcome anemia. In this, the practice of Suryabhed Pranayama, Anulom-Vilom Pranayama is effective. These pranayamas remove blood disorders in the body quickly.