In the run-of-the-mill life, people are unable to pay attention to their health. As a result, physical problems that occur in old age start happening at a young age. The body's immunity becomes weak, as well as there can be complaints of body pain and weight gain due to less physical activity. Even if you do not have time to pay attention to your health due to busyness, take out just half an hour for yourself and practice regular yoga asanas. Yoga is very beneficial for mental and physical health.

There are many different types of yoga asanas, which are effective on various physical problems, but various problems can be relieved by including Hansasana yoga in the daily routine. The problems of the bones of the spine are removed by the practice of Hansasana yoga. Get rid of all kinds of physical pain. Abdominal fat is reduced. Let us know the correct way of practicing Hansasana Yoga and its various benefits.

How to practice Hansasana
Step 1- Sitting on the ground on the knees, keep both toes together and separate the knees. Keep the palms on the ground, and keep the fingers towards the feet.
Step 2- Now, while bringing the wrists of both hands close, bend forward by keeping the front part of the arms close to the body.

Step 3- During this, the stomach should be above the elbows and the chest should be on the upper part of the arms. While making balance, try to straighten the legs slowly backward.
Step 4- Now keeping the toes together, keep the toes on the ground and the weight of the body should be on the hands and toes.
Step 5- Stay in this position for some time but do not put much emphasis on the fingers. Then, taking the knees to the ground, sit in Vajrasana.
You can do this asana regularly for about 10 minutes, although in the beginning practice with the help of a yoga trainer.

Benefits of practicing Hansasana
Regular practice of Hansasan Yoga makes the chest strong and shapely and the body remains healthy.
Abdominal fat can be reduced by the practice of Hansasana and weight gain can be prevented.
To strengthen the muscles of the hands and feet, it is beneficial to practice Hansasana for some time daily.
The practice of Hansasana removes the problem of feces and improves the digestive system.

By regularizing this asana, the blood circulation of the body increases and the face glows and the skin becomes healthy.
The practice of Hansasan Yoga is also beneficial for mental peace.

(PC: Freepik)