Summer vacations have started. The children's school will be closed for the next few days and they have to spend time at home. Due to high temperatures, children leave the house less despite being on vacation. In such a situation, their physical activity decreases. The risk of many diseases also increases in this season. At the same time, children feel lethargic, due to which neither children can study nor concentrate on any work.

In the summer season, teach children to do yoga to remove laziness and prevent seasonal diseases. There are some yoga poses, which improve the health of children and help them concentrate on their studies. Here are some yoga asanas for children, which can be practiced by children during the summer holidays. These yoga asanas help in keeping the mind calm and have better health and focus.

Yoga for kids
Tadasana practice for concentration

To increase the concentration of children, they should practice Tadasana regularly. The breathing capacity of children increases with the practice of Tadasana. By doing this asana, the energy level gets a boost. The mood remains good and the height of the children also increases.

Do trees pose to get rid of body pain?
Children are unable to get out of the house during the summer holidays, so they spend the whole day at home watching computer, mobile or TV. Due to sitting and lying in the same position throughout the day, their body starts aching. Apart from this, stress can also increase. In such a situation, inculcate the habit of practicing Vrikshasana in the children. The practice of Vrikshasana gives peace to the mind, reduces stress, and gives relief from back and neck pain.

Do Dhanurasana for body strength
For flexibility in the child's body and strength in the muscles, make them practice Dhanurasana. This asana strengthens the back of the child. Relieves back and arm pain. Physical activity increases and flexibility comes.

(PC: Freepik)