Yoga is beneficial for a healthy body and mind. The practice of yoga keeps the body active and strengthens the muscles. Many types of health problems start happening in old age. After 50 the body starts getting weak. There is pain in the bones and many other serious health problems are troubling. Yoga experts say that these problems can be overcome by regular yoga practice. Body pain can be relieved. Eyesight, stiffness of muscles, and weakness of bones can be relieved. At the same time, blood pressure can be improved. Research shows that by practicing yoga exercises for 30 minutes daily in the routine, the body can be easily kept active. This can reduce the risk of many problems with bones and muscles. Here some such yogasanas are being told what every elderly person should do after the age of 60 years.

Chair pose yoga
One can practice chair pose yoga regularly to reduce the complications of aging and keep the body fit. To do this yoga, people above the age of 60 years can take support from the wall. This improves the flexibility of the body and relieves pain in the limbs. Performing this yoga helps maintain better blood circulation. It helps maintain the balance of the body and reduces the problems of feet and knees.

Tree pose
This asana is called Vrikshasana. After the age of 60, the problem of lack of physical balance is often seen. The practice of tree pose improves posture and body alignment. Make a habit of practicing this yoga to reduce the risk of problems like high blood pressure, and osteoporosis.

Benefits of pranayama
Seniors should make it a habit to practice Pranayama to improve their mental and physical health. The risk of memory-related problems increases with age. Regular practice of Pranayama can prevent diseases like Alzheimer's. Practice Pranayama to keep the mind calm, and happy and reduce anxiety disorders.

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