Excess fat increases in the body due to low physical activity and most of the sitting work. Due to the high desk work in the office, the lower part of the body starts to become heavy. Excess fat starts increasing in the thighs and hips and the body starts to look heavy.

Yoga can reduce obesity or excess fat increased in different parts of the body. However, if any part of the body is thin or normal and one part is thick, then yoga should be practiced. Here the yogasanas that are toning the hips and thighs are told. To reduce the obesity of the lower part of the body, here, practice yogasanas.

Utkatasana is called Chair Pose. For the practice of this asana, stand a little space between the two legs and stand up and mix the hands in the hello posture. Now lift the arms and bend the pelvis by beating the knees. Now keep the ankle and knees straight, come in the greeting posture, and keep the spine straight.

You can practice Ekapadasana to dilute thick thighs. For the practice of Ekapadasana, stand up straight between the legs. Now lift the arms and mix the palms in the salutation posture. Breathing the back while keeping the back straight and bend the body until parallel to the floor. During this time, keep the arms near the ears and slowly lift the back. Then keep the right leg, pelvis, upper body, and hand upwards and raise upwards. Make a balance by focusing an eye on the floor.

To do this asana, stand up straight lift the right leg from the floor, and make a balance by keeping the body weight on the left leg. Now keep the right leg on the inner thigh and support with the palms. Take the hands to the sky while coming in a pranam posture. Repeat this yoga for some time.