A thin neck increases the attractiveness of the body and face. Excess fat accumulated on the front and back of the neck and double chin spoils the look. A perfect jawline and thin neck enhance the look of any dress or shirt. In such a situation, some yoga asanas can be practiced to reduce the excess fat in many parts of the body as well as to reduce the fat accumulated in the neck.

One of these yoga asanas is facial yoga, the practice of which can reduce double chin. The special thing is that no specific time is required to practice facial yoga. Facial yoga can be done anytime and in any situation. Here some yogasanas are being explained, which help reduce the double chin along with reducing the fat accumulated on the neck and back.

To practice Ustrasana, sit on the ground with your knees bent, place both hands on the hips, and take the knees parallel to the shoulders. Now take a deep breath and press the lower spine forward. During this, feel full pressure on the navel. Hold the feet with your hands and bend the waist backward. After remaining in this position for 30 to 60 seconds, come back to the normal position.

The practice of Bhujangasana helps in reducing excess fat present in the neck and throat and reduces weight. To practice Bhujangasana, lie down on your stomach and rest your hands on the ground on either side of your head.

Now take a deep breath while taking the palms to the level of the shoulders and pressing the hands on the ground, raise them upwards to the navel. Lift the head, chest, and abdominal area. Now draw the head upwards like the hood of a snake. Stay in this position for some time and slowly come back to the starting position.

Regular practice of this yoga has a positive effect on the muscles and bones of the body. Helps in reducing the double chin and reducing fat on the neck. To practice Tadasana, stand straight by joining the toes of both feet. Keep the arms at the sides and raise the hands above the head with the fingers interlaced and the palms facing upwards. Now keep your eyes fixed on a straight point. Inhale and stretch upward with arms, shoulders, and chest. Now raise your heels and stand on your toes. While taking the whole body towards the sky, hold your breath for some time and stand in this position. Now exhale and come back to the previous posture.