For the perfect figure, women adopt many methods including exercise and dieting. Lose weight by sweating in the gym for hours and toning the body, although many times due to not doing the right exercise according to the body for weight loss, the desired figure is not available. Many times women are troubled by the problems of flat hips. Flat hips do not look good in clothes like pants, jeans, trousers, or skirts. In such a situation, yoga is helpful to shape the hips. Yoga helps in toning the body. Regular practice of some yoga asanas can round the hip's shape. Here some beneficial yoga asanas are being told to make flat hips round.

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Flat hips can be given a round shape by regular practice of this asana. To do this asana, stand on the knees and bend forward and keep the fingers on the front while resting the hands on the ground below the shoulders.

Now while inhaling, lift the head up and while bending the spine down, make the back in the shape of a bow. After staying in this position for some time, while exhaling slowly, contract the stomach inwards and lift the hips upwards.

During this, try to look at your navel by keeping your head between both hands and stay for at least three seconds. Try at least 3 to 5 cycles like this.

To do this asana, while lying on the back, bend the legs and try to bring the toes closer to the hips. Hold both the toes of the feet with both hands.

Now while inhaling, raise the stomach and hips by supporting the shoulders. In this position, hold your breath for some time. Then while exhaling, keep the hips and waist on the ground. Do it at least 5 times.

This asana is called the chair pose. You can practice Utkatana for the health of the butt. To do this asana, keep a little distance between the legs and stand straight and spread the hands towards the front. Bring the pelvis down, bending the knees, as if you are sitting in an imaginary chair. Stay in this position for some time and keep the hands parallel to the ground. Now go down slowly and sit in Sukhasana and relax.

(PC: Freepik)