Due to a spoiled lifestyle, people suffer from many types of physical problems. Body pain is common in this. Wrong posture and lifestyle are hurting people's health. The problem of neck and back pain has been increasing since the work-from-home culture during the Corona period. Whether people work at a desk job or do daily household chores, they face the problem of back and waist pain every day. If the problem of neck and back pain is not corrected in time, the problem may increase. Due to back and waist pain, there is difficulty in getting up and sitting. Practicing yoga can provide relief from physical problems. In such a situation, you can practice some yoga asanas regularly to get relief from back and waist pain. Here are the yoga asanas that provide relief from neck, back and waist pain.

The practice of Tadasana provides relief from back pain. To do this asana, stand on your heels and toes by maintaining a distance between both legs. Then take the hands above the waist line and join the palms and fingers. Keep the neck straight, while raising the heels, and put the weight of the body on the toes. Remain in this state for some time while maintaining balance, then come back to the old state.

Setu Bandhasana
People who do desk work should practice Setu Bandhasana. To do this asana, lie down on your back, bend the knees of both the legs, and lift the body with the help of hands while touching the feet on the floor. Now raise your back and thighs from the floor to the sky, take a deep breath, and exhale. After staying in this position for some time, come back to the first position.

To get relief from back and waist pain, practice Bhujangasana regularly. For this, lie straight on the stomach and place the palms below the shoulders. Then pull the chest up while spreading the fingers. Stay in this position for some time and breathe.

Shoulder opener
Practice shoulder openers to strengthen muscles and relieve body pain. In this asana, stand straight move your palms backward, and join them together. Now pull the shoulders back. Repeat this process.

(PC: Freepik)