It is summer season and monsoon is about to come. Changes in the weather can increase the chances of many diseases. On the other hand, during the rainy season, the body can suffer from many diseases. The changing weather reduces the immunity of the body. Diseases easily affect the body due to low immunity. Cough-cold, fever, and infection can come quickly.

People often fall ill during the changing season. Its effect can be seen on a person of any age, especially more on children. However, nutritious food and a healthy lifestyle help strengthen immunity, which helps in fighting diseases.

Health experts believe that one can do yoga regularly to avoid the changing weather. Yoga strengthens immunity and prevents diseases. Some special yoga asanas can be practiced to prevent diseases caused by the changing weather and rain.

For the practice of Bhujangasana, first of all, lying on the ground, keep both palms on the floor at a distance of shoulder width. Now breathe keeping the lower part of the body on the ground. While lifting the chest from the floor, look towards the ceiling. Then, while exhaling, rest the body on the floor again.

Stand straight on the mat and keep some distance between the two feet. Now, while spreading the arms to the shoulders, breathe slowly and take the right hand above the head. During this, while exhaling, tilt the body to the left. Keep in mind that the knees should not bend. Keep the left hand parallel to the left leg. Stay in this posture for some time, and later come back to a normal state.

Marjorie seat
This posture is called the Cat-Cow pose. To do this, sit in a cat-like posture by resting both knees and both hands on the floor. Now by straightening the thighs upwards, make an angle of 90 degrees on the knees of the feet. Taking a long breath, tilt the head backward and raise the tailbone. Now while exhaling, tilt the head down. Try to touch the chin to the chest. Repeat this process.

(PC: Freepik)