Due to less physical activity and working mostly while sitting, excess fat in the body increases. Due to excessive desk work in the office, the lower part of the body starts becoming heavy. Extra fat starts increasing in the thighs and hips and the body starts looking heavy.

Yoga can reduce obesity or excess fat in various parts of the body. However, if any part of the body is thin or normal and another part is fat then yoga should be practiced. Here are some yoga asanas to tone the hips and thighs. To reduce obesity in the lower part of the body, practice the yogasanas mentioned here.

Utkatasana is called chair pose. To practice this asana, stand with a little space between both legs spread your hands towards the front, and join the palms in Namaste Mudra. Now raise the arms bend the knees and lower the pelvis. Now come into Namaskar posture keeping the ankles and knees straight and keep the spine straight.

To slim down thick thighs, you can practice Ekapadasana. To practice Ekapadasana, stand straight keeping distance between the legs. Now raise your arms and join your palms in the Pranam Mudra. Keeping the back straight, exhale and bend the body until it is parallel to the floor. During this, slowly raise your back while keeping your arms near the ears. Then lift the right leg upward, keeping the pelvis, upper body, and arm straight. Maintain balance while focusing your eyes on the floor.

To do this asana, stand straight lift the right leg from the floor, and balance the body weight on the left leg. Now keep the right foot on the inner thigh and support it with the palms. Coming into Pranam Mudra, take your hands towards the sky. Repeat this yoga for some time.

(PC: iStock)