Many health-related problems start occurring with age. After the age of 40, the body starts becoming weak. In such a situation the risk of diseases increases. With increasing age, muscle pain, bone problems, wrinkles, and freckles appear on the skin. Like women, men can also have health-related problems. But by adopting lifestyle, eating habits, and exercise habits, one can remain healthy for a long time.

According to health experts, yoga is beneficial for many types of physical problems and mental health. Practicing yoga can improve mental health and also reduce the negative changes occurring with increasing age. Here some yogasanas are being told, which men should do regularly after the age of 40. By practicing these yogas, immunity becomes stronger, problems related to muscles and bones remain away and the skin remains glowing.

The problem of sciatica is cured by practicing this yoga asana. Gomukhasana helps control high blood pressure. This yoga helps in relieving stiffness in the shoulders, lengthening the spine, reducing stress and anxiety, and strengthening the back muscles.

Padmasana makes the knees and hips joints flexible. Stretches and strengthens knees and ankles. Stimulates the spine, stomach, and urinary bladder. It is also helpful in keeping the mind calm and improving digestion. Women can also practice Padmasana. Apart from providing relief from the pain caused by menstruation and sciatica, doing this posture during pregnancy also makes delivery easier.

Opposite hypotenuse
Practicing Viparita Karani Yogasana provides relief to the legs and strengthens the muscles. This asana is also beneficial in keeping you mentally and physically worry-free. Regular practice of this asana can be beneficial for arthritis patients.

Downward-facing breathing posture
The practice of Adho Mukha Svanasana has tremendous benefits for the body. Men after 40 should practice this yoga regularly. This yoga strengthens the lower abdominal muscles. Improvement in digestion, increase in blood circulation, and anxiety can be controlled.

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