Yoga is beneficial for solving all the problems at the mental and physical level. By practicing yoga regularly, you can eliminate many diseases of the human body and can also increase mental stress and energy. For happiness and peace in life, along with a strong body, a strong mind is also required. Experiencing the emotional body can make life easier and happier. Be it your daily routine or job, it becomes monotonous and boring without the right motivation. In such a situation, yoga also helps in starting your day with energy and enthusiasm. Give yourself five minutes every morning to shake off a sluggish mind and body and start your day with better energy. In these five minutes, practice such yoga asanas which bring energy to your brain. Let us know about the yogasanas to be done daily in the morning to be energetic.

This asana makes the body flexible and also helps in reducing belly fat. To do this asana, first, lie down on your stomach on the ground. Place your lower body on the ground with both your palms shoulder-width apart on the floor. Inhale and lift your upper body or chest off the floor. Then exhale and lower the body back to the floor.

To do this asana, first of all, stand straight keeping some distance between the heels and toes of both your feet. Now raise both hands upwards in line with the waist and join the palms and fingers. Keep the neck straight and look forward, lift the heels of the feet upwards, and put the weight of the entire body on the toes. Maintain balance in this pose by pulling your stomach in.

This is also called cross cross-leg sitting pose. To do this asana, sit in a meditation posture. Now hold your left wrist with the help of your right hand from behind the back. Now inhale while pulling the shoulders back. Then while exhaling, bend forward and touch your head with your right knee. Breathe again and come back to the starting position.

To do this yoga, spread both your legs take your hands out, and open them outwards. Now slowly bring the straight arm downwards towards the foot. Look down while bending your waist downwards. Keep the straight palm on the ground. Move the opposite hand upwards. This process is repeated from the other side.

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