Insomnia, which is called insomnia, is becoming a common problem nowadays. There can be many reasons behind it, which are physical, mental, or lifestyle-related. Mental stress, excessive anxiety, and a stressful lifestyle can interfere with sleep. It does not allow the brain to calm down, due to which deep sleep is not possible.
Apart from this, irregular routines such as changing the time of sleeping and waking up, staying up late at night, or too much screen time affect sleep. Eating heavy food at night, and consuming more caffeine or alcohol can also hurt the quality of sleep. Also, physical health problems such as diabetes, thyroid, heart disease, sleep apnea in which there is a problem of stopping breathing, or respiratory problems can hinder sleep.
Lack of sleep can cause many health problems which can take the form of a serious illness. In such a situation, if there is a complaint of sleep, find out its causes and improve them. Apart from this, include some yogasanas in your daily routine. Yoga can help you sleep better. Here you are being told about yoga asanas for the treatment of health problems and sleep problems caused by lack of sleep.
Health problems due to lack of sleep
Lack of sleep can cause serious health problems in the long run. Due to this, mental health is affected, and immunity starts weakening. Also, there may be complaints of heart health and obesity.
Effect on stress and mental health
Problems like stress and depression can arise due to lack of sleep. This also affects the functioning of the brain, and there is a decrease in concentration.
Weakening of immunity
Not getting enough sleep weakens the body's immune system, which increases the risk of diseases.
Heart disease and high blood pressure
Lack of sleep for a long time can cause heart disease and high blood pressure. It disrupts the normal functions of the heart.
Diabetes and obesity
Lack of sleep can cause an imbalance in insulin levels, which increases the risk of diabetes. Along with this, it affects the metabolism of the body, which can lead to obesity.
Yoga Asanas for Better Sleep
Yoga is a natural and effective way, can help improve the quality of sleep. Some yoga asanas that promote sleep are,
Balasana (Child Pose)
Practicing Balasana helps calm the body and reduce stress. It relaxes the brain and helps in getting better sleep. To do this asana, sit in Vajrasana and bend forward, place your forehead on the ground. Stretch the hands forward and stay in this position for a few minutes.
Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Shavasana is helpful in completely relaxing the body and mind. This yogasana is considered an ideal asana for sleep. To practice this asana, first lie down on the back. Now place the hands on the sides of the body and leave the whole body loose. Take a deep breath and relax completely.
Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breathing)
Bhramari Pranayama helps calm the brain and reduce stress. It is an effective method for insomnia. To practice this asana, sit in a comfortable position inhale deeply, and exhale. Make the sound of a bee while focusing on the breath. Repeat this for 5-10 minutes.