It is very painful for women to bear periods. Some people also face difficulties in doing their routine work. So on the other hand, most women complain of abdominal pain, cramps to back pain during periods. In such a situation, instead of taking any painkiller, we are telling you the 5 best easy yoga poses that you can try sitting at home to get rid of this backache. These will not only give you relief from back pain but will also help in getting rid of back pain during periods slowly.

Balasana is also known as the adopted child pose which will especially help you with back pain during periods. For this, first of all, sit on the ground in Vajrasana on your knees. Touch the stomach to the knees, then bend forward and stretch your hands as far as possible. Keep your forehead on the mat or the ground and exhale long and deep. Instead of the chest, try to exhale from the stomach and stay in this position for about 30 seconds.

Bandha konasana
It is also called the bound angle pose which not only helps in periods of pain but also improves digestion. You can do this easily at home to get relief from back pain. First of all, bend the knees outwards and sit straight on the ground and join both ankles. Keep holding the ankles with your hands. Slowly pressing the ankles of both legs, while stretching the Thai, exhale about 8 to 10 times.

Marjorie seat
These asanas will not only help you with menstrual pain but are also helpful in repairing the abdominal muscles. After doing Margari Asana, you may feel like a full-body exercise. For this, first of all, sit on the ground with hands and feet. Then stretch the body by sitting in the cat position. After this, by keeping yourself in the posture of a cow, leave your face loose towards the bottom. During this, breathe in the cat position and exhale in the cow position. This will give you a lot of relief from back pain.

Supta Matsyendrasana Yoga
Doing this easily will help you to get rid of the problem of back pain along with menstrual pain. To do Supta Matsyendrasana Yoga, you have to lie on the ground on the waist, then stretch the right hand in the air and try to touch the left sole while stretching the right knee with the left hand, taking it under the left leg and about 30 Stay in this position for a second. Repeat the same position for the left side as well.

Do the opposite
Doing the opposite can be very helpful in reducing or getting rid of back pain during periods. This easy yoga will also be effective in strengthening your back muscles along with back pain. To do Viparita Karni Asana, first of all, lie down on the ground on your back and lift both legs up. After this, slowly raising the hips while supporting the hands, raise the waist along with the legs. Stay in this position for about 15 seconds then relax.

(PC: Freepik)