Most of us often travel by train. Given the convenience of crores of passengers, Indian Railways is operating thousands of trains. Apart from this, given the convenience of passengers, Indian Railways has also made many rules. The purpose of these rules is to make the journey of passengers convenient and easier. Most of us travel by train. At the same time, do you know what is the difference between train coaches and bogies? Most of us are not aware of the answer to this question. If you also do not know about this. In such a situation, through this news, today we are going to answer this question what is the difference between train coaches and bogies?

If you do not know about the difference between the train bogie and the coach. In such a situation, let us tell you that you cannot travel and travel in the train bogie. The part of the bogie railway coach is called on which the coach hinges.

The coach is fitted on the train bogie. For your information, let us know that the bogie is prepared by adding the first four wheels with the help of an axle. After preparing it, the train coach is installed.

At the same time, the coaches are installed on the train, where you sit. That part is called coach. You book your seat in this coach while booking a train ticket.

Brakes are fitted to stop the train in the bogies itself. While running the train, spring is also applied in it. Due to these springs, big shocks are faced while running the train.

(PC: iStock)