Yoga for fitness We can remain fit by doing yoga regularly. Apart from this, many types of diseases can also be avoided. So today we will tell about some such yogasanas which can be easily done without the help of any equipment.

Yoga for fitness: Yoga is the easiest way to keep the body and mind calm. The best thing is that you do not need to spend a lot of money on this. So if you want to keep yourself fit, then make yoga a part of your daily routine. By doing yoga daily for just 15 minutes, you can keep yourself fit for a long time and stay away from many diseases. So let's know about some such asanas.


To do this easily, lie down on the ground on your stomach.

Keep the palms near the chest.

Now while inhaling slowly, raise your chest upwards. After that, slowly lift the part of your stomach.

Stay in this posture for 30 seconds. After exhaling, come back down.


To do this asana, stand comfortably by opening your legs as wide as your shoulders.

Spread both hands in line with the shoulders. Take out the right paws. While inhaling, raise the hands up and while exhaling, touch the right paw with the right hand and move the left hand upwards. The focus should be on the upper hand.

Repeat the same action with the other leg and hand.


To do this easily, sit on your knees on the ground. Rest the hip over the leg.

While inhaling, raise the hands, then while exhaling, take the body forward and try to touch the ground with the hands. Keep the forehead on the mat. Remain in this position as long as you can, then rise comfortably.

- Repeat this asana 4-5 times.


To do this asana, first of all, sit straight on the ground and spread both legs, and keep them close to each other.

While inhaling, raise both hands upwards. While exhaling, try to hold the toes with both hands.

Keep in mind that during this time your knees should not bend and your feet should also be adjacent to the ground. Stay in this position for as long as you can and then come back to the normal position.