Back pain has become a common problem in today's busy life. Sitting for long hours, wrong posture, and lack of exercise can cause back pain. It is better to resort to yoga than to live with the help of painkillers. Yoga not only gives relief from back pain but also makes your spine strong and flexible.

There are some easy yogasanas that you can include in your daily routine and get rid of back pain.

1. Tadasana

Tadasana is a standing posture that increases the balance and stability of the body. To do this, first, stand straight and keep the feet as wide as the shoulders. Keep your spine straight, broaden the chest, and leave the shoulders loose downwards. Stay in this posture for 30 to 60 seconds and keep breathing slowly.

2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana is a lying posture on the stomach which strengthens the spine and stretches the back muscles. To do this, first lie down on the stomach, place the forehead on the ground, and rest the palms under the shoulders. Now slowly lift the upper body, pull the shoulders back, and take out the chest. Stay in this posture for 15 to 30 seconds and keep breathing slowly.

3. Balasana (Child's Pose)
Balasana is a relaxing posture that relieves back fatigue and reduces stress. For this, sit on your knees, keep the legs spread, and join the big toes. Now rest the forehead between the knees and stretch the arms beside the body. Stay in this posture for 30 to 60 seconds and keep breathing slowly and deeply.

4. Cat-Cow Pose

The Cat-Cow Pose makes the spine flexible and reduces the stiffness of the back muscles. First, come into the Chaturbhujangasana pose, and keep the hands under the shoulders and the knees under the hips. While breathing, lift the spine, take the neck back, and sink the stomach downward (Cow). While exhaling, bend the spine downward, lift the back, and bend the neck downward (Cat). Repeat this asana 10 times and practice at a slow pace.

5. Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Adhomukha Svanasana stretches the whole body and strengthens the spine. Come into the Chaturbhujangasana pose, now lift the hips, try to keep the heels on the ground, and bring the body into the shape of an inverted V. Stay in this asana for 30 to 60 seconds and keep breathing slowly.

(PC: Freepik)