Today World Sight Day is being celebrated. Every year Drishti Diwas is celebrated on the second Thursday of October. Eyesight makes us aware of many colors of the world. However, due to a bad lifestyle or side effects of many diseases, vision becomes weak. This causes many other problems including reading letters or seeing distant objects blurry. If proper treatment is not received at the right time, the problem of blindness starts increasing.

Vision-related problems used to occur with increasing age, but now children of young age are fitted with numbered glasses. Red eyes, burning sensation, blurred vision, watery eyes, etc. are common eye-related problems. Consult a doctor as soon as symptoms appear. Some home remedies can be adopted to strengthen eyesight. World Sight Day is celebrated to create awareness about vision-related problems. Let us know the history, importance, and this year's theme of World Sight Day.

When is World Sight Day celebrated?
World Sight Day is celebrated every year on the second Thursday of October. World Sight Day is being celebrated on 12 October in 2023. Through this day, people around the world are made aware of the importance of eye care and vision protection and attention is drawn to vision protection issues by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other health organizations.

History of World Sight Day
The foundation of this day dates back to 1990, when one of the most famous and effective initiatives of Lions Clubs International, "SiteFirst", was established. SightFirst was founded to tackle blindness caused by trachoma and other problems. Later it was decided to celebrate Drishti Diwas.

Purpose of Vision Day
The main objective of this day is to make people aware of the importance of eye safety, care, and vision conservation and to raise awareness towards eliminating vision-related problems across the world.

The theme of World Sight Day 2023:
World Sight Day has a special theme every year. This year the theme of Drishti Diwas 2023 is 'Living with an RMD at all stages of life'. RMD stands for reticular macular degeneration.