Such an ATM in the middle of the mountains, seeing which it seems that you are withdrawing money from the sky. It is not so easy to reach here. It is one of the most beautiful valleys of the mountains. Many people who come here to withdraw money do not forget to click selfie here. Today we are going to tell you some special things related to this ATM.

This ATM in Pakistan is special

The first question coming to your mind would be – where is this ATM located? Let us tell you that we are talking about Pakistan. This ATM is not in India but in Pakistan. It is on the border of the Khunjrab Pass between China and Pakistan many people from the country and abroad come to visit this place. This place is surrounded by snow-laden mountains throughout the year. This is also one of the reasons why it is so beautiful.

This ATM is situated at an altitude of 4693 meters.

You cannot drive yourself to reach this ATM situated at a staggering height of 4693 meters. The road leading to this place passes through the Khunjrab National Park between the peaks of the snow-capped Karakoram. On the way, you will also get to see many ferocious animals.

National Bank of Pakistan

Tell that to run the National Bank of Pakistan, the help of solar and wind energy has to be taken here. This ATM was established here in the year 2016. The name of this ATM built at an altitude of 4693 meters is recorded in the Guinness World Records. You will also be surprised to see the beauty around this ATM.

40 to 50 lakh rupees comes out in 15 days

Mostly this ATM is used by the citizens living around the border area. At the same time, this ATM is very useful even with the soldiers posted on the border. All the tourists who come to this ATM click their picture here. The bank worker says that about 40 to 50 lakh rupees are withdrawn from this ATM in 15 days.

image credit: Freepik