Due to disturbances in lifestyle and lack of nutrition in the diet, there can be many negative effects on the body, it is also seen to seriously affect the health of bones. Therefore, the risk of problems like arthritis, decreased bone density, fractures, and osteoporosis is increasing.

Osteoporosis is a problem that increases the risk of bone weakness and brittleness. According to an estimate, more than 200 million (20 crores) people worldwide are victims of this serious problem. World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated every year on 20 October to make people aware of the increasing cases of this disease and to educate people about prevention.

Health experts say osteoporosis is a serious problem of bones, it weakens the bones so much that even slight falling, bending coughing or sneezing can lead to the risk of bone fracture. This type of risk is most commonly seen in the hip, wrist, or spine. Let us know about this problem in detail.

Know about osteoporosis
Our bone cells are constantly being broken down and rebuilt. However, in the case of osteoporosis, bone loss occurs but new cells are not formed. This condition greatly weakens the bones and due to low density, the risk of them breaking easily can be quite high.

Osteoporosis affects both men and women, although menopausal and older women are at greatest risk.

How to know if you have osteoporosis?
Doctors say that in the initial stage of osteoporosis, there are usually no symptoms of bone damage. Over time, as the bones become weak, many types of problems can occur in this condition.
Back and waist pain often occurs due to spinal cord damage.
Your body may bend.
The problem of bones breaking even due to minor injuries.
If you are going through menopause, have been taking corticosteroids for a few months, or if any of your parents have had this problem, be sure to consult a doctor about the risks of osteoporosis.

Which people are at risk of osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis or bone problems can happen to anyone, although certain conditions may increase your risk of this disease. Some studies have found that women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. Apart from this, the risk of osteoporosis also increases with increasing age. People whose family already has osteoporosis are advised to take measures to prevent this disease from an early age.

Osteoporosis treatment and prevention methods
In the case of osteoporosis, first of all, medicines and other supportive treatments are given to treat and prevent bone damage. You can reduce the risk of this disease by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For this, it is very important to pay attention to maintaining proper diet and lifestyle. Eat foods that strengthen bones. It is important to consume foods containing adequate calcium, vitamin D, and protein every day.

To prevent bone problems, it is considered very important to keep doing physical activity like yoga and exercise. Apart from this, it is most important to stay away from smoking and alcohol consumption, these habits cause serious damage to the bones.

(PC: iStock)