The beauty of the face is not only enhanced by skincare or good makeup, but lips also make the face look beautiful. Therefore you should enhance its beauty also. Our lips are delicate so they need more care. Especially in the winter season because the cold wind blows dry the lips. This is the reason why they appear black. To correct this, you must try the home methods mentioned here. This will keep your lips hydrated and will also remove their blackness. Let us know in this article with which remedies you can take care of your lips.

Use honey

We do not feel good because of cracked and black lips. It also affects our personality. Therefore, we must take care of them also. You can use honey for this. Honey has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties which make the lips pink as well as keep them soft. For this, first of all, you have to take honey in a bowl, then apply it on your lips and leave it for 15-20 minutes. After this, it has to be cleaned. By doing this your lips will look soft and healthy.

Use rose water

If you want to keep your lips pink, you can use rose water for this. It is chemical-free and easily available at home. It has the highest moisturizing properties, which helps in keeping the lips hydrated. For this you have to apply rose water on the lips and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then it has to be cleaned. This will make your lips soft in no time.

Keep these things in mind

  • Use lip balm regularly to keep lips hydrated.
  • Drink water several times a day.
  • Do not put your tongue on the lips at all, otherwise, they will look drier and black.
  • Before applying anything, take expert advice.

Note: Before using anything, take expert advice.

Image Credit- Freepik/ Herzindagi