Today is World Music Day. It is also called Fete de la Musique. Music Day, celebrated every year on 21 June, aims to celebrate the diversity of music and its cultural significance and to disseminate all types of music among the people. World Music Day is an important day for music lovers, which provides an opportunity to unite people and promote cultural exchange through the universal language of music. Let us know the history and importance of this day.

History of Music Day

The celebration of this day started in France in 1982. French Culture Minister Jack Lang and composer Morris Flirt celebrated Music Day with the idea that all types of music should be shared and music should be performed in public places.

The theme of Music Day 2024

Last year the theme of World Music Day 2023 was 'Music at the Intersections'. The theme of World Music Day changes every year and focuses on different aspects of music. Previous themes have included music diversity, music and health, and music and education. However, this year's theme is yet to be revealed.

Objective of Music Day
The main objective of this day is to encourage people to enjoy music and create music themselves. The day is for both professional and amateur musicians and everyone has the opportunity to participate. It seeks to spread music to the wider public through free concerts in streets, parks, public places, and) other venues.

(PC: Freepik