It is generally believed that short hair is very low maintenance. This is the reason why ladies who are not able to take proper care of their long hair get their hair cut to save time and avoid the hassle. However, if you also think that short hair does not require maintenance, then you are wrong. Like long hair, short hair also demands care. It may not take you much time to style them, but you need to take time to take care of them.

Not only this, but often when we have short hair, we make many such mistakes, which damage the health of the hair and its look. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some such easy tips, which can be very useful for short hair women.

Use fingers

All of us girls must keep a hairbrush in our handbags. But if your hair is short, then it is considered better to use fingers instead of a comb. Since your hair is less prone to tangles, you don't need to use the comb all the time. Just run your fingers through your hair. This will not only style your hair better but also add volume to it.

Do not keep hair open all the time

Short hair women prefer to keep their hair open. Surely short hair looks more beautiful when left open. But it is not considered right to keep them open all the time. For example, if you are going on a scooter, bike or scooty, then open hair can get very tangled and you may have problems. Similarly, try braiding your hair before going to bed at night. Keeping the hair open all the time increases the chances of hair fall.

Trim from time to time

This is a very important step when it comes to taking care of short hair. You may have cut your hair short to style it, but after that, you must trim your hair once every three to six weeks to maintain its shape and style. By doing this, the look of your short hair remains the same. You might not know it, but your hair grows about half an inch every month, so keeping it trimmed can make it easier to maintain your look.

Use silk or satin pillowcase

If you want to take care of your short hair even while sleeping, then use silk or satin pillowcases. Silk pillowcases have less friction. It also reduces the problem of hair pulling. Due to this less breakage of your hair occurs. At the same time, it also helps in maintaining the moisture of the hair.

So now you also take care of your short hair properly by adopting these small tips.

Image Credit – freepik


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