World Liver Day 2023: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a metabolic disorder, due to which fats start accumulating in the liver. As the name suggests, this condition is not associated with alcohol consumption. According to Indian data, one out of every three people is suffering from fatty liver disease here. The way people's lifestyles and food habits are deteriorating, it seems that this figure will also increase. In such a situation, it has become necessary to know the symptoms of fatty liver. So let's know about the initial symptoms that appear on the face and skin when fatty liver occurs.

Signs of fatty liver on the face
Health experts say that due to metabolic derangement, changes can be seen on the face of some patients with fatty liver. Swelling under the eyes, dark circles, wrinkles under the eyes and at the corners of the mouth, and yellowing of the eyes are signs of fatty liver.

Acne and redness are also signs
Loss of hair from the eyebrows, redness and rosy color of the cheeks, swelling of the face, and worsening of acne can also be signs of liver disease. However, their appearance is not necessarily related to liver failure, there can be other reasons behind it. That's why do get a medical examination done.

Don't Ignore Spider Veins
When the liver is severely damaged, spider veins appear on the skin. Which are red and spread like a spider's web.

These risks increase due to fatty liver
If you are struggling with fatty liver, then it also increases the risk of many other dangerous diseases. For example, sleep apnea, in which breathing stops while sleeping, is usually seen only in patients with fatty liver. In sleep apnea, the body does not get complete rest and there is tiredness throughout the day, due to which you have difficulty in doing everyday tasks. Apart from this, the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease also increases the risk of restlessness, depression, and anxiety, which affects both your work and productivity.