World Liver Day 2023: Among the organs of the body which are affected by obesity and unhealthy lifestyle, the liver is the most important. Diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, and uncontrolled cholesterol increase the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This problem later turns into liver cirrhosis. If consuming alcohol, it is an open invitation to cirrhosis.

Be careful about liver
Viral hepatitis is a very common cause of liver disease. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis-C viruses cause liver failure. Initially, there are no specific symptoms of liver disease. Even in regular blood tests, many times it does not get caught. In this case, an ultrasound is required.

It is important to avoid infection
Hepatitis B is the most common problem worldwide. It has been seen that in our country this disease spreads from mother to child. It remains in the body for a long time. A blood test or blood donation or pregnancy test shows that Hepatitis B is positive. By the time its obvious symptoms start emerging, the disease has reached the advanced stage. In such a situation, it is necessary to detect it at the beginning itself. On the other hand, Hepatitis-C is usually caused by repeated use of injections. If an infected person has had a blood transfusion or has had surgery before, the risk remains high. However, now it is seen to be decreasing to a great extent.

Some important symptoms related to liver disease
If the functioning of the liver is getting disrupted, then weakness and fatigue are felt.

There can be pain and tension in the upper part of the abdomen.

The gas problem increases for some people.

- If the stomach is out or the neck is turning black, then it can be an early sign of liver disease.

These problems can also be seen
The feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating.

The feeling of heaviness in straight arm.

Problems with concentration along with fatigue, and weakness.

Treatment available
Treatment is available for both Hepatitis-B and Hepatitis-C, however, it is necessary to detect the disease at an early stage.

Even if it is detected in the advanced stage, some necessary measures can be taken.

Some hepatitis C drugs are capable of curing the disease, but hepatitis B is currently only controlled. In the coming few years, its complete treatment will also be possible.

Keep the liver safe like this
Say no to alcohol altogether.

Quit smoking completely.

-Strengthen the muscles. This will make the liver healthy.

Include brisk walk in the routine.

Get yourself regularly tested for Hepatitis C.

Keep the weight ratio correct.

Keep these things in mind while eating
-Stay away from sugary and greasy foods and beverages.

-Don't take free sugar at all.

-Make sure to use some turmeric in food.

- Using black coffee is a better option.

-Make sure to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.