PC: Times Now Navbharat

29th September is celebrated as 'World Heart Day' across the world. We all need to always take care to maintain heart health. Now is the time to discuss things that keep the heart healthy.

While taking care of the heart, we ignore cholesterol which we should avoid. We should also know what effect cholesterol has on a person's heart.

Nearly millions of cases of cardiovascular diseases occur every year around the world. The number of these cases is around 44 lakh. You may be surprised after reading this figure. However, this number is increasing day by day. This is very worrying.

Heart-related matters are increasing day by day. So, we all need to control cholesterol and let us know in detail about some measures to control it…

Follow these 4 steps to maintain good heart health

Exercise regularly:

Exercising is very beneficial for your body. No matter what disease you have, you should get some exercise every day. Then, you should include physical activity such as walking, cycling, or going to the gym to exercise. Regular exercise helps maintain balanced heart health.


Do moderate exercise like brisk walking, jogging and exercise and cycling to improve cholesterol levels. Weight is also controlled by this type of exercise.

Regular Vital Checkups

Regular checkups with a doctor are essential to control cholesterol levels and ensure good heart health. These tests provide information about cholesterol.

These tests allow the doctor to make informed decisions regarding your diet, exercise routine, and possible medication if needed. With a doctor's guidance, you can manage cholesterol control properly.

Keep your weight balanced.

Now we all know that with an increase in weight, diseases also increase. Fat around the waist can increase cholesterol levels. A balanced diet and regular exercise help keep cholesterol levels under control. Also, keeping your weight under control reduces the risk of heart disease.

A Healthy Diet for Heart Health

Having a proper diet is very important for a healthy lifestyle. Diet directly affects your cholesterol levels. Therefore, include heart-healthy foods in your diet to maintain heart health. Make sure these foods are rich in nutrients, fiber, and calcium.