Relationship Mistakes: It is very common to make mistakes, so anyone can make mistakes. In such a situation, while being in a relationship, your partner can also make a mistake. But if the mistake is made once, then it is easy to forget and forgive. On the other hand, if these mistakes are made again and again, then it becomes difficult to forgive them and move forward in the relationship. Then this very thing becomes the reason for quarrels and estrangement in your relationship. That's why today we are going to tell you which mistakes of the partner should be repeated again and again and you should think about breakup, so let's know which mistakes of the partner should not be ignored......

Not answering call-message

If your partner mostly does not answer your calls and messages, then it means that he is not interested in you. In such a situation, maintaining a one-sided relationship can be difficult. That's why you need to think once more about this relationship.

Not Having Trust

Every relationship rests on the foundation of trust. If your partner keeps lying to you about everything, then it becomes difficult to handle the relationship. That's why you must think once to maintain this relationship.


Even after being in a relationship with you if your partner is cheating on you. In such a situation, it may be meaningless for you to stay with them anymore. That's why you should find out about it yourself by not trusting anyone else's words. If it seems that your partner is involved somewhere else, then think about the breakup.

Remembering ex

If your partner keeps missing his ex even while being with you or compares you with them, then you must object to this. If still your partner keeps talking about X with you, then you must think about breakup with them.

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