The better the winter season is for eating anything, the more attention has to be paid to eating and drinking in the summer season. Because in this season, slight ups and downs in your diet can make you sick. Especially the problem of digestion becomes very easy. In such a situation, it is necessary to take such a diet during the summer season which will keep you healthy and make you feel cool from the inside.

At the same time, there are some foods in the summer season from which it is very important to keep a distance (Health Tips). With this, you can stay more healthy. If you have to consume these things, then eat them at a limit and only after some intervals.

In the summer season, reduce the intake of spicy food as much as possible. Because eating too much oily food and too many spices can be heavy on your digestion. Not only this, due to eating spicy food, you may sweat a lot, due to which, apart from dehydration, you may also feel tired, and weak and there is a possibility of dizziness.

Junk food
Consumption of junk food is not good in any season, so consumption of junk food should be reduced. Because food spoils quickly in summer and junk food is more than a day or two old, which can also cause problems in the stomach.

Non-veg lovers should also control themselves in the summer season. Because any kind of non-veg is heavy in digestion. In such a situation, due to this, digestion can get disturbed in summer, as well as the fear of stomach upset also increases.