Cancer is one of the rapidly increasing serious and life-threatening health problems globally. Millions of people die every year due to various types of cancer. Health experts say this disease can affect a person of any age, even children are being found victims of it. Apart from heredity and environmental factors, disturbances in lifestyle and diet are also considered to increase the risk of this disease.

World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on February 4 to make people aware of the increasing risks of cancer globally. This year's theme of World Cancer Day is "Close the Care Gap". This topic highlights the disparities in cancer care that exist around the world.

Doctors say that all people need to make continuous efforts to prevent cancer. Let us know whether changes in diet can be beneficial.

Cancer risk factors
Researchers say, there can be many factors for cancer. People whose families have had cancer before may have a higher risk of this disease genetically. Apart from this, certain environmental factors like excessive exposure to chemicals, exposure to microplastics, smoking, and alcohol consumption can also increase your risk of developing cancer.

Not only this but the risk of this disease has also been seen to increase due to excessive consumption of certain types of food items, hence it is important to keep preventing it.

Processed foods can be harmful
A team of researchers said that excessive consumption of processed foods, which are high in sugar and low in fiber nutrients, can increase the risk of cancer.

Specifically, researchers have found that diets that increase blood sugar levels in the body are associated with a higher risk of stomach, breast, and colorectal cancer. A study of more than 47,000 adults found that those who ate a diet high in processed carbs were almost twice as likely to develop colon cancer and die from it as those who ate less.

Consume antioxidant foods
Researchers say, that while some foods have been found to increase the risk of cancer, the risk can also be reduced by consuming some things. Although no superfood can prevent cancer, some things have anti-cancer properties so you can reduce your risk. Observational studies found that increased consumption of green-colored vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer.

Many vegetables contain cancer-fighting antioxidants and phytochemicals. For example, sulforaphane, which is found in cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, has been found to reduce tumor size by 50% in rats.

You can include these things in your diet
Researchers say that no food item is guaranteed to protect you from cancer, but things with antioxidants and anti-cancer properties can help keep you safe. Research has found that flax seed consumption may be associated with a protective effect against certain cancers; it has also been found to be beneficial in reducing the spread of cancer cells. Similarly, some test-tube and animal studies have found that cinnamon may also have anti-cancer properties. Eating nuts regularly may also reduce the risk of some types of cancer.

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