'World Cancer Day' is celebrated every year on February 4, so that we can be aware of this serious disease, but our daily eating habits have become so unhealthy that we feast on this disease every day. Recently, a study was done on about 1,97,000 people in Britain, due to which many shocking results have come out. Scientists claim that eating junk food or ultra-processed food can cause cancer and can even kill you.

Shocking revelations in research about cancer
According to the researchers, most young people and women were also included in this study, whose family no member was a victim of cancer. In this study, the risk of ovarian cancer was found in women. This is the reason that along with our daily lifestyle, we should also take special care of food habits.

These foods are the root of 34 types of cancer
In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, scientists have claimed that eating ultra-processed food or junk food can put you at risk of not one but 34 different types of cancer. Examine the habits closely.

According to researchers, the risk of cancer is 2 percent by eating processed food and 6 percent of people are at risk of death.

Eating such foods can increase the risk of ovarian cancer by 19 percent, as well as 30 percent of women at risk of death.

Leave all these things to avoid cancer
Many such things are included in the list of cancer-causing junk food or ultra-processed food, which we usually eat in our daily life. Their names are - Oily Food, Ice Cream, Sauce, Hot Dog, Soda, Sausage, Packed Soup, Frozen Pizza, Cookies, French Fries, Cake, Candy, Donuts, and all kinds of Ready to Eat Meals. All these things look very tasty to eat, but it is very dangerous to eat them in terms of health.