No serious disease occurs in one day but diseases also have stages. In such a situation, if you understand the early signs or symptoms, then you can get treatment for diseases in time. Arthritis disease is also similar. This is a very painful disease. With age, this disease becomes more dangerous. This disease of joint and bone pain becomes so dangerous that even working becomes difficult. In such a situation, you must know about the early symptoms of this disease. World Arthritis Day is celebrated on 12 October to increase awareness about Arthritis.

Joint pain
Joint pain is the first sign of arthritis. In this, there is a feeling of burning sensation in the joints along with pain. This pain increases so much that it becomes very difficult to walk and even bend the legs.

Look red
Redness also appears around the joints. Most of the patients also have this complaint. This is also an early symptom.

Joint pain may also be accompanied by swelling. This swelling is more around the knees and seeing it as if you have an injury. The swelling appears blue and red.

Pain in the morning
Many patients have more pain in the joints of the feet and hands in the morning. Especially in the changing season, the pain in the hands and feet is more.

Trouble walking
If you have trouble walking and problems like knee pain or cracking, then understand that these can also be early symptoms of arthritis.