Many times there is estrangement between colleagues in the office due to ideological differences or the desire to do better and get ahead of each other. Most of the time the day is spent in the office. Many of them develop a relationship of friendship and mutual understanding between colleagues. At the same time, there are many such companions, with whom there can be estrangement.

With them it becomes difficult to work together in the office, to discuss something. Many times other co-workers also take advantage of the dispute between you two and estrangement increases. Due to this negativity increases and professional relationship is also affected.

If you also have ideological differences with a colleague in the office or for some reason, there has been a dispute between the two of you, then try not to allow the estrangement to increase. Avoid some mistakes so that the dispute between two colleagues in the office does not spread negativity. Here you are being advised to avoid some such mistakes which you should never do after a dispute with a colleague.

Don't complain
In case of a dispute with a colleague, deal with yourself. Do not take complaints to the boss about everything. If there is any estrangement regarding work, then find a solution together. If this is not possible, then the help of a senior can be taken, but both colleagues should decide together. Avoid complaining about your partner in private. This makes the relationship between the two of you more serious and he also starts complaining.

Talk straight
If the tension with the colleague increases due to work, then talk to him directly. Tell the coworker what you disagree with. Try to find out what is the problem with your co-worker, so that together you can reduce the problem between the two.

Do not discuss with others
The biggest reason for any dispute is the entry of a third person between the two people. When there is a dispute with a colleague, you discuss it with another colleague. That third person is your colleague as well as their partner. This increases office gossip and instead of reducing the dispute, it starts increasing. Sometimes the third colleague may also try to take advantage of your dispute.

Maintain ethics
Maintain a professional attitude even if there is estrangement from the colleague. Don't hold back from helping a coworker when needed. Do not forget the morality in your resentment and anger. Keep in mind that avoid wrong words, and personal comments in anger.

(PC: Freepik)