In the difficult times of menopause, women often make some mistakes

During menopause, there are many changes in the body of any woman. Menopause is seen in women between 45-50 years. The symptoms of menopause start appearing in women some time ago. During this, there are many hormonal changes in the body of women. Due to these hormonal changes, many women also have to go through many problems. During this, it is very important to take care of some things. Dietician RujutaDiwekar has given information about this on her Instagram account. She has told us what tips should be followed to make the difficult phase of menopause easier. Let us tell you about the symptoms of menopause and tips to make this difficult time easier.

Symptoms of menopause

Follow these tips

Don't over exercise

Women are often given a lot of menopause advice. During this, exercise should be done for hormonal balance, it is correct, but do not tire your body by exercising more. If you are exercising so much that you are feeling tired for 48 hours or are experiencing body pain, then you are over-exercising. Follow the exercise routine but do not exercise too much at once.

Don't pay attention to what people say

Menopause is a time that is difficult for a woman not only physically but also mentally. Weight gain, reaching a stage of age, the appearance of changes in the skin and many more are the things about which women start taking stress. Even many women start refraining from getting pictures clicked. Do not do this at all. Accept this change gracefully and don't pay attention to what anyone says.

Take care of your diet

Due to hormonal changes during menopause, our diet is also affected. During this time, women often do not pay enough attention to food and drink, which is completely wrong. The right diet is very important during menopause. Diet is the fuel of our body, which is necessary for the body to function properly, so take a healthy diet. When we do not eat food properly, our body is not able to accept any change late, in such a situation it becomes more difficult to deal with the changes in menopause.

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